HIV & STI Screenings
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
#BeTheGeneration (#BTG) is The Center’s comprehensive Sexual Health & Wellness Program that ensures individuals are empowered to take charge of their sexual health and wellbeing.
BTG’s five tenets:
– Fight to reduce stigma and barriers and improve access to screening
– Test so individuals know their HIV status
– Treat should someone be diagnosed with HIV or STis
– Protect by providing resources to remain HIV negative or undetectable, and STI free
– Empower with a robust combination of education, engagement, and services
Follow us on social media!
Instagram: @BeTheGeneration2.0
For more info contact:
In 2014, The Center launched the groundbreaking #BeTheGeneration campaign as an aggressive and strategic effort to end new HIV transmissions in San Diego, prompted by medical evidence and offering a much-needed new opportunity to stop HIV as an epidemic. Based on findings from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, reports showed that use of PrEP and PEP medications could decrease a person’s HIV risk by up to 99 percent.
Today, #BeTheGeneration has morphed into an entire program that focuses on Sexual Health and Wellness for the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. The Center has built strong collaborative partnerships with top community health providers Family Health Centers of San Diego, Vista Community Clinics, San Ysidro Health Centers, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest and UC San Diego that allows our clients a seamless link to immediate sexual health treatment and prevention support as well as long-term medical care and supplemental services that help sustain and enhance quality of life.
It’s time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV testing and STI screenings in a compassionate and sex-positive environment with connections to health care and resources. Make your appointment today – call us at 619.487.9980 or email to make an appointment. We are open Monday-Friday 10am-7pm and Saturdays 10am-3pm by appointment. Walk-ins will be accepted based on availability.
Please note that we do not offer MPOX testing as part of our testing services, please call 211 for testing assistance.
Es hora de cuidarte con nuestras pruebas gratuitas y confidenciales de VIH/VHC y exámenes de detección de ITS en un entorno compasivo y sexualmente positivo con conexiones con recursos y atención médica. Haz tu cita hoy: llámanos al 619.487.9980 o envía un correo electrónico a para programar una cita. Abrimos de lunes a viernes de 10am a 7pm y sabados de 10am a 3pm con cita previa. Se aceptarán visitas sin cita previa según disponibilidad.
Ten en cuenta que no ofrecemos pruebas MPOX como parte de nuestros servicios de pruebas; llame al 211 para obtener ayuda con las pruebas.
It’s good to be extra about your sexual health and wellness.
Protect Yourself
Protect Your Partners
Protect Your Community
For MPOX resources visit:
Es bueno ser extra por tu salud y bienestar sexual
Protégete a ti mismo
Proteje a sus socios
Proteje su comunidad
Para recursos de MPOX visita:
At The Center, we encourage you to know your status. Free and anonymous HIV testing is available at The Center, Monday - Friday. Walk ups welcome, or make an appointment by calling 619.487.9980 or emailing Get tested in a safe and LGBTQ-affirming space and know your results in 20 minutes. English and Spanish speakers available.
The Center's test counselors utilize 4thGen rapid testing technology. The Alere Determine Rapid HIV-1/2 Ab/Ag is a fourth-generation test that detects two factors in the blood: HIV antibodies and p24 antigens. When an individual contracts HIV, the immune system starts to produce HIV antibodies. This is the body’s defensive response for trying to fight the virus. These antibodies can take from 2 weeks to 12 weeks after infection to be detectable via testing.
The immune system produces these antibodies in response to p24 antigens. P24 antigens are actually a part of the virus itself, and they tend to appear within 1 to 4 weeks of HIV entering the body. Therefore, the Determine test can detect the virus before the immune system starts producing HIV antibodies. This is because p24 antigens appear before HIV antibodies. This allows for earlier diagnosis of HIV so individuals can seek medical care to begin treatment sooner, and become undetectable faster. That is the goal! Undetecable equals Untransmittable #UequalsU
The Center offers OraQuick Rapid HCV antibody testing. Results within 20 minutes.
Free screening service for sexually transmitted infections (STI) began in 2022! The Center now provides STI screenings for HCV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis as part of our #BeTheGeneration program. Sexual health does not begin and end with HIV testing. For people who are on PrEP, the CDC recommends regular STI screening every six months. People living with HIV who are sexually active should also get screened for STIs regularly, at least every six months.
Anyone who needs access to this free service can make an appointment by calling 619-692-2077 (English and Spanish translators available), or by sending an email to
Walk-ins for STI screening and HIV/HCV testing will be available based on staff availability. You can contact our Welcome Desk during these hours at 619.487.9980.
The Center offers connection to HIV prevention services, resources, and information including:
PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis): Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention tool where HIV-negative individuals take anti-HIV medications before coming into contact with HIV to reduce their risk of becoming infected. The once daily pill has been shown to be up to 99% effective in preventing HIV transmission through sex.
PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis): If you think you’ve been exposed, visit an emergency room or urgent care center and ask for PEP within 3 days! PEP prevent HIV from making copies of itself and turning into infection if taken within 72 hours.
TasP (Treatment as Prevention): We can now say with confidence that if you are living with HIV and taking your medication as prescribed, and have had an undetectable viral load for over six months, you cannot pass on HIV with or without a condom. The risk is effectively zero.
Other resources: Undetectable = Untransmittable; Looking for PrEP providers; Picking a Covered California Plan with HIV coverage; How To talk to your doctor about PrEP.
There are many prevention tools in the toolbox of sexual health. Which one is best for you? We can help you decide. Email for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our Community Health Educators
The Center offers a number of weekly ‘Living with HIV’ groups facilitated by mental health professionals from The Center’s Behavioral Health Services. We also have peer-led support groups as part of our Latin@x Services and a 50+ HIV Discussion Group as part of our Senior Services.
In 2021, The Center launched our first-ever substance use disorder (SUD) / harm reduction prevention program as a compassionate and empowering effort to help those using substances in San Diego. As an extension of our Sexual Health and Wellness program, our new prevention service is evidence-based, client-centered, and models the vision and mission of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The Center has built strong collaborative partnerships with top community LGBTQ+ affirming providers and organizations Family Health Centers of San Diego, Owen Clinic, San Diego Harm Reduction Coalition, and Stepping Stone of San Diego that allows our clients a seamless link to immediate substance use disorder treatment and prevention support services.
For more information on our substance use prevention services, please contact and click here for a list of community organizations that offer SUD harm reduction services.
The Center hosts two food banks per month. The Neighborhood Food Bank is open to all on the first Tuesday of the month from 8-10am. The Senior Food Bank is for low-income 60+ individuals on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 12pm - 3pm. Visit our food resources page for more info.
For information about affordable HIV medical care, please call one of our community primary care partners listed below for information and scheduling.
For more information on about HIV Services or to schedule a test, please call 619.692.2077.
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
This group is for gay, bisexual, and transgender (GBT) ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Grupo de apoyo en español para personas latinas LGBTQ+ ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Join us for Serenity Yoga with instructor Evan Marsh ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
This group is for gay, bisexual, and transgender (GBT) ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Sexual health and wellness is self care! Youth ages ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Join us for Serenity Yoga with instructor Evan Marsh ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
This group is for gay, bisexual, and transgender (GBT) ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Grupo de apoyo en español para personas latinas LGBTQ+ ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
If you are 50 years or better and living ...
It's time for self-care with our free, confidential HIV/HCV ...
Join us for Serenity Yoga with instructor Evan Marsh ...