
Dining Out For Life Locations – Sign Up

2025 Bar & restaurant sign-up

*Please submit by Friday, april 1, 2025 to be included on all print materials

As a participating Dining Out For Life® San Diego location, you agree to:

1.      Contribute 25-100% of total sales (including food, beverage and liquor) on Thursday, April 24, 2025 to The Center’s health & wellness service and prevention programs. Donations of 50% or more are greatly appreciated and typically receive additional visibility and benefits for the increased percentage of gift.

2.      Allow The Center to use your business’ name in materials promoting Dining Out For Life® San Diego.

3.      Promote Dining Out For Life® San Diego by displaying event materials provided by Dining Out For Life® San Diego.

4.      Work Dining Out For Life® San Diego into your in-house, website and social media efforts to help drive diners to your venue on Thursday, April 24, 2025.

5.      Inform wait staff, managers and other bar or restaurant personnel about Dining Out For Life® so that they can promote the event by inviting your patrons to join you on Thursday, April 24, 2025.

6.      Permit The Center to place a volunteer Ambassador at your location for Dining Out for Life® San Diego. Ambassadors are assigned a location and tasked with inviting everyone they know to dine at their location during their shift on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Ambassadors also welcome guests and encourage diners to make an additional donation to The Center’s health & wellness service and prevention programs.

7.      Send or deliver a check or pay via cc with a link for the total contribution payable to The Center no later than Friday, May 9, 2025.

 In exchange, The Center will:

1.      Produce, utilize and distribute attractive, high-quality promotional materials for your use and for distribution in target communities.

2.      Orchestrate a visibility campaign to promote Dining Out For Life® San Diego via local print, television and social media platforms.

3.      Promote your participation in Dining Out For Life® San Diego on multiple social media platforms to encourage diners to continue to support your bar/restaurant.

4.   Post website referral pages located on both The Center and Dining Out For Life® San Diego websites that remain up until December 31, 2025

Dining Out For Life® San Diego is a fundraising event of The San Diego LGBT Community Center (The Center), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 23-7332048

 San Diego LGBT Community Center | PO Box 3357, San Diego, CA 92163 | 619.692.2077 | |

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