
Senior Lunch & Learn – Film Screening and Discussion

Join AARP, in partnership with The San Diego LGBT Community Center, Senior Services Program for a special viewing of the critically acclaimed film, “Gen Silent.” This powerful 2011 documentary film follows the lives of six LGBTQ+ seniors as they navigate the challenges associated with aging and receiving care through the modern health care systems. “Unlike any film before, Gen Silent startlingly discovers how oppression in the years before Stonewall now affects older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with fear and isolation,” (Gen Silent | Worldcat.Org,

The film will be followed by a panel Q&A moderated by the non-profit, Avenidas Rainbow Collective, which will focus on changes since the film was released. Additional Senior Servicing agencies have been invited to table at this event to provide additional resources. Lunch will be provided. *

Where: The Center, 3909 Centre St
When: November 15, 12:00-1:45 PM


Nov 15 2023


12:00 pm - 1:45 pm
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