“I really feel like I can stop stressing and breathe again. I wish there was some way I could show how much I appreciate you, before I start crying, thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without The Center. Keep blessing everybody that you can.” – Ms.Tina
Ms. Tina first came to The Center about four months ago to access essentials and toiletries from a Center outreach program, Project Compassion. She shared with our team that she was currently living in a tent downtown and how difficult and unsafe it is on the streets for a transgender Black woman. She was looking for help getting her and her puppy Jazzy off the streets.
Within a few days, our team was able to get her into a hotel for three months using a hotel voucher program until a more permanent living situation could be arranged. Utilizing The Center’s housing programs, which helps folks get into stable housing and assists with first-month rent, deposit, and household needs, we were able to secure an apartment for her. We are happy to share that Ms. Tina is now living in a senior apartment with Jazzy and is receiving disability and SSI income. Home really is where the heart is!
Learn about The Center’s Housing Continuum