The San Diego LGBT Community Center is one of the largest and most active LGBTQ+ community centers in the nation, providing targeted programs and services to the full diversity of the local LGBTQ+ community. Through its Training Institute, The Center has also become San Diego’s leading provider of high-quality, professional trainings to assist organizations, businesses, and social services in strengthening their knowledge and skills when working with the LGBTQ+ community.
Our training programs have been crafted from many years of serving the LGBTQ+ community, in combination with lived experience and history. All trainings are designed to be supportive and judgment-free spaces that inspire positive change in the people and organizations who participate.
We offer several types of trainings—virtual, in-person, and hybrid—on a range of topics; we also customize trainings to meet the learning objectives of each group’s specific needs. Training formats can range from formal trainings to brown bag lunch discussions and LGBTQ Community Stories—all led by our knowledgeable and skilled staff. It’s been most effective for organizations to combine several different training formats when seeking company-wide skill and understanding. If your organization is interested in a mixed-format training approach, please let us know and we can create a custom plan for you.
What to expect from The Center’s Training Institute
- Increased Knowledge
- Raised Awareness & Provision of Advocacy Skills
- Personal Reflection
- Useful Resources and Advising
Training Length & Size
Generally, the Training Institute’s trainings last around 2-3 hours and utilize one trainer for every 25 people being trained.
Request a Training
If you’re interested in scheduling a training with The Center’s Training Institute, fill out the Training Request form below. If you have any questions regarding The Center’s Training Institute, please email our team at:
Popular Training Programs
De-Escalation Strategies & Techniques for Front Line Responders
(3 Hours)
- Includes a broad range of topics related to De-escalation Strategies & Techniques for Front Line Responders.
- Covers trauma-informed care principles and indicators, Flipping your lid, Top 10 De-Escalation Techniques, modern versus primal brain conflict, 4 Common Types of Power Struggles, and 5 Suggestions to Manage Overacting.
- Attendees can expect to leave this training with helpful information and strategies to reduce conflict and increase safety in crisis situations.
Gender & Nonbinary Identities
(2 hours)
- Includes a range of topics related to nonbinary gender identity.
- Explores different types of nonbinary identities, the relationships between nonbinary and transgender identities, how the gender binary affects nonbinary people and our society, and the importance of gender-neutral pronouns.
- Attendees can expect to leave the training with a greater understanding of nonbinary gender identity, more comfort in speaking positively and informatively about nonbinary identity with people who may be unfamiliar, and a greater level of competency with gender-neutral pronouns like they/them/theirs.
Sexual Health: Breaking the Silence
(2 hours)
- Covers a broad range of topics related to sexual health.
- HIV/AIDS, STIs, U=U undetectable status, and PrEP will be some of the topics discussed.
- The training will also explore the social, cultural, and institutional factors that influence sexual health for both individuals and communities, such as HIV stigma, sex negativity, and racial and gender-based biases amongst health care providers.
- Attendees can expect a down-to-earth, informative discussion where participation and interaction are encouraged.
Providing Affirming Care for LGBTQ+ Communities
(2 Hours)
- Covers a broad range of topics related to providing affirming care to LGBTQ+ communities.
- This training will grow your capacity to provide compassionate, respectful and culturally appropriate care for LGBTQ+ community members.
- Attendees can expect to leave with an increased knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ terminology, pronouns and inclusive language, as well as how to practice advocacy strategies and bystander intervention.
And More...
| Partner Organization | Small Nonprofit or Co-Sponsored | Mid-Size Nonprofit | Large Nonprofit | For-Profit Rate + Government Agencies | Training Consulting |
Formal Competency Training | $250/ per trainer, per hour | $375/per trainer, per hour | $400/per trainer, per hour | $500/per trainer, per hour | $750/per trainer, per hour | $500/hour |

What they are saying about The Center’s Training Institute:
“I learned skills in supporting LGBTQ community, such as the importance of pronouns. Also, some changes we can make in our office to help our LGBTQ community feel safe and welcome.”
“The trainer provided space for an excellent, open group discussion on the use of pronouns and how to address topics that may arise in the workplace regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.”
“This was so helpful; the conversation needs to continue.”
“This was my favorite training of the entire conference!”