
Vote at The Center August 15

The San Diego LGBT Community Center is a Vote Center for the August 15 Special Election!

We know that our LGBTQ community has always strived to make our voices heard time and time again. Show up for our community once again by voting in the August special election for the San Diego County District 4 Board of Supervisors seat.

Are you in Supervisorial District 4? Find My District.

Only registered voters residing in County Supervisorial District 4 are eligible to vote in this election. Not sure if you are eligible to vote? Check your status here:

Take a moment to ensure that your voter information is correct. Do you need to pre-register to vote? Need to register? If you have moved or updated any information, you may even need to re-register!

Register to Vote



Starting July 18, you can turn in your ballot by mail, at an official drop box location, or any open vote center.

Eligible voters can vote at any vote center open during the special election. Seven vote centers will open from August 5 to August 15 from 8am to 5pm. Fourteen vote centers will be open on election day, August 15 from 7am to 8pm.

The Center is officially one of the fourteen vote centers open on election day, August 15. Come vote at The Center between 7am and 8pm to receive The Center’s iconic rainbow ‘I Voted’ sticker!

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